August is National Date Month! Okay, I actually made that up but it sounds good, right? So to celebrate, here's a way to make it super easy on you to plan a fun and exciting date with your spouse. I'm calling it The Great Date Exchange!
In order for this to work properly, we all need to participate. There's three easy steps for you to be on your way to some date night fun:
- In the comments below, share either: your first date you went on with your spouse, your favorite date, your most creative/unique date, a free date idea, or a "dream" date that has been on your wish list. Feel free to share more than one since it helps others get great ideas for their dates. Sharing is caring!
- Pick a fun date idea and reply to their comment to say you are going to try out their date suggestion. Make sure you use the "reply" option to make sure you are responding to their specific comment.
- Plan your date. Talk with your spouse and actually put it on your calendar. Ideally for this week but at the very least, sometime in August.
- I know I said there's only three steps, and yes, I know how to count! But this one is optional. Or extra credit for those of you Type-A high-achievers. Come back and let us know how your date went. It will probably make the original person happy to know their idea led to so much fun for someone else!
I'm so excited to hear about all of the fun August dates! It's an easy way to spend some quality time with your spouse and keep that spark alive. I hope you enjoy the Great Date Exchange!
Alright, I will kick this off! Our first date was to a NRA shooting range. I was terrified because I had never even held a gun before, but I did pretty amazing! One of our fun dates I remember early on was getting dinner in DC and then walking around the monuments at night (Lincoln Memorial, reflecting pool, etc). They are so pretty at night all illuminated! Another fun idea is canoeing on the Potomac past Georgetown etc (or wherever you live!). And a date that I haven't done but want to do is to go to Top Golf!
ReplyDeletePicnic in the car is my favorite date place. I love taking lunch to my husband at work. I "pick him up" at the work front door and then we park. It doesn't take as much time as going to a restaurant, so my honey doesn't have to work longer to make up for the time gone. And we get to listen to great music and have privacy to talk about anything. Its a cheap fun day date.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite and most creative date was to surprise my husband with a day off (secretly arranged ahead of time with his boss)! In the middle of the work week, he woke up early as usual dreading a long day at work... Only to find out he could sleep in, the kids were going to spend the day at their grandparents, and we had the day to ourselves!!! To make our date extra fun, I printed a map ahead of time of a quaint old town nearby and numbered (circled in hearts... Cheesy I know) all the places we might enjoy like a cute ice cream shop or a tandem bike rental place. He loved the forethought put into this date and we had a blast! Brownie points if you plan for the kids to stay overnight at the grandparents wink wink!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all Rachel, I've never told you how much I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your wisdom! I do have some ideas to share! Heads up, my date ideas are all free because we always look for opportunities to do something together that doesn't cost money!
ReplyDelete1. Around Christmastime, we would go for a run or walk in the neighborhood at night to see the Christmas lights instead of driving around. Free romantic lighting + exercise + time to talk about anything! Some of my favorite memories are of those!
2. We live near an elementary school and some times go to their field area to kick around a soccer ball, challenge each other to 1-on-1 basketball, toss a frisbee, or play bocce. Even though we aren't super athletic, we have fun joking around and flirting with each other in a competitive way, and we are also saving money, soaking up the sun, and staying active!
3. While I have never done this, my sister-in-law will plan day trips with her husband and they will bring cameras and have an amateur photography contest. They see the sights together, but add a friendly element of competition while also have fun getting artistic together. They email anonymous photos to the family and we vote on our favorite. It is also a fun way to share their lives with us without using social media. You could even go to a local park or city and explore it together in a new way!